May 2024
Our paper on long-horizon bite acquisition for realistic dishes was accepted at RSS 2024.

May 2024
Rishabh presented two papers at ICRA! One was on robot-assisted peeling and the other on a soft and stretchable whole-arm skin for physical human-robot interaction.

May 2024
Tapo was selected as a part of the New Generation Star Project at ICRA sponsored by Nokov!

May 2024
Tapo gave three invited talks at three ICRA workshops: Bimanual Kitchen Challenges, Assistive Systems, and Human-Robot Companionship

March 2024
Our paper on inside-mouth bite transfer for robot-assisted feeding was nominated for best paper award in HRI 2024. We also won the Best Demo Award for our adaptable, safe, and portable robot-assisted feeding system in HRI 2024! Congrats to all the students.

March 2024
Tapo was awarded the TRI (Toyota Research Institute) Young Faculty Researcher Award

March 2024
Tapo was a keynote speaker at HRI Pioneers 2024

March 2024
Tapo gave an invited talk at the Movement Recovery Seminar Series, Columbia University, 2024

March 2024
Tapo was a panelist on "Touch as the Ur-Sense: From Presence to Poesy", The Helix Center

March 2024
Tapo gave an invited talk at the GW GRITS Seminar Series, 2024

January 2024
We had two papers accepted at ICRA'24! One is on robot-assisted peeling and the other one is on whole-arm soft and stretchable tactile sensing skin.

January 2024
Tapo gave an invited talk at Talking Robotics

December 2023
We had two papers and one demo accepted at HRI'24! One paper is on inside-mouth bite transfer for robot-assisted feeding and the other one is on robot-assisted bed-bathing. Congrats to all the students!

December 2023
Tapo is co-organizing HRI Workshop on “Assistive Applications, Accessibility, and Disability Ethics”, Boulder, USA (2024)

December 2023
EmPRISE Lab welcomes a new PhD student to the lab! Pranav Thakkar is joining the Aerospace Engineering PhD program. Pranav is joining us from IIT Bombay where he did his M.S. and B.S. in Aerospace Engineering

November 2023
Congrats Zoe Chen for wining the Fall 2023 ECE M. Eng. Poster Session in the category of BioSignals

November 2023
Congrats Rajat, Rishabh, and their respective teams to get their two papers on robot-assisted feeding and robot-assisted bed-bathing accepted to HRI'2024

November 2023
Tapo joined as an Associate Editor of HRI Section of Frontiers in Robotics and AI

October 2023
Congrats Rohan Banerjee on getting his paper accepted to CoRL 2023 Workshop on "Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Robotics Towards Reliable Learning-Based Autonomy"

October 2023
Tapo joined as an Associate Editor of Autonomous Robots (AURO)

October 2023
Tapo joined the RSS 2024 and HRI 2024 Organizing Committees as well as the HRI 2024 and TAHRI 2024 Program Committees. He is also serving as the Associate Editor, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (2024).

September 2023
Our lab organized an assistive robotics demo session for Ithaca College Occupational Therapy students

September 2023
Tapo gave two guest lectures in KAIST and CMU

September 2023
EmPRISE Lab welcomes a new PhD student to the lab! Ziang Liu is joining the CS PhD program. Ziang is joining us from Stanford where he did his M.S. in CS.

August 2023
Tapo gave two invited lectures in The Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck Pre-doctoral Research School 2023

July 2023
Our lab organized the week-long in-person workshop, SoNIC 2023, on Robotics and Assistive Technology at Cornell

July 2023
Tapo gave an invited talk at the RSS'23 Workshop on Experiment-oriented Locomotion and Manipulation Research

May 2023
Congrats Grace Zhang for wining the 2023 ECE M. Eng. Poster Session in the category of AI / Pattern Recognition

April 2023
Tapo gave an Invited Talk on Robotics in the 2023 Ethics Roundatble at Berea College

March 2023
Tapo gave an invited talk at the HRI'23 Workshop on Advancing HRI Research and Benchmarking Through Open-Source Ecosystems (slides and video are available on the website)

February 2023
Tapo got the NSF CAREER Award

February 2023
Tapo is on the CoRL 2023 Organizing Committees and HRI 2023 Program Committee

January 2023
Tapo is an AE for IROS 2023, IJRR, and ICRA 2023

October 2022
Tapo gave invited talks in IROS 2022 Workshop on Large-Scale Robotic Skin: Perception, Interaction and Control and IROS RoboTac 2022 Workshop on Visuo-Tactile Predictive Coding and Active Inference for Grasp and Manipulation: New Advances in Tactile Sensation, Interactive Perception, and Learning

October 2022
RCareWorld was awarded the Best RoboCup Paper Award at IROS 2022

September 2022
Our paper on Human-Robot Commensality got accepted in CoRL 2022. Congrats team!

August 2022
Tapo gave an invited talk in the RISS RoboLaunch Speaker Series, CMU

July 2022
Our paper on RCareWorld got nominated for Best Paper Award / Best Student Paper Award / Best Robocup Paper Award at IROS 2022. Congratulations Ruolin and Rajat!

July 2022
Congratulations to Ruolin Ye, Rajat Kumar Jenamani, Rishabh Madan, and Travers Rhodes on getting their papers accepted to IROS 2022!

July 2022
Tapo is an AE for the Intelligent Service Robotics Journal

July 2022
Tapo is the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Representative for the IEEE Biometrics Council

July 2022
Our lab organized the SoNIC Summer Workshop at Cornell on robotics and assistive technology for under-represented students from around the US

May 2022
Tapo is a Co-Chair of ICRA 2022 Paper Session on Human-Aware Motion Planning

May 2022
Our lab's work got featured in Nature!

May 2022
Sidharth won the CSURP award for funded summer research!

May 2022
We have many new members! Skyler who is an MS in CS student, Sidharth and Sienna who are CS undergrads. Also, Abrar (a Ph.D. student in USC) is joining us as a summer intern :-)

April 2022
Tapo gave a guest lecture on building caregiving robots at CMU and at UMass Lowell

March 2022
Tapo was awarded the AFCEA 40 under 40 award

February 2022
Tapo is an AE for International Journal of Social Robotics

February 2022
Tapo is an AE for IROS, 2022

February 2022
Daniel Stabile, a Masters Student, joined our lab! Welcome Daniel :-)

January 2022
Check out our lab feature video in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday:

January 2022
Tapo received an NSF NRI Grant to work robot-assisted feeding. More details here:

January 2022
David Kim, a star undergraduate in our lab, won the ELI Undergraduate Research Award!

November 2021
Tapo gave an invited talk on Leveraging Physical Interactions to Enable Robotic Assistive Care at the CS Colloquium of University of Southern California (USC)

October 2021
Tapo is an AE for ICRA 2022

September 2021
Big Red ADAPT (Michael, Maya, Austin, Michell), a group that works on developing accessible battery-operated toys for children with disabilities and advised by Tapo, wins the Best Hardware Hack Prize in Big Red Hacks, the largest student run hackathon at Cornell University.

September 2021
Tapo gave an invited talk on "Building Caregiving Robots" at the CS Lunch and Learn Seminar at Cornell University

September 2021
Tapo gave an Invited talk on Leveraging Physical Interactions to Enable Robotic Assistive Care at the AI Seminar at Cornell University

September 2021
Tapo co-organized a workshop on RoboTac21: New Advances in Tactile Sensation, Interactive Perception, Control, and Learning - A Soft Robotic Perspective on Grasp, Manipulation, & HRI in IROS 2021

July 2021
Tapo gave an invited talk on "Building Caregiving Robots" in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, and New York-Presbyterian Hospital

July 2021
Our lab has officially started the journey with three amazing Ph. D. students - Rishabh Madan, Rajat Kumar Jenamani, and Jan Ondras, and a star undergraduate research intern - Ruolin Ye!

May 2021
Tapo served as a chair of Assistive and Rehab Robotics: Machine Learning paper session in ICRA 2021

May 2021
Tapo gave an invited talk in KAIST CS Colloquium, South Korea

May 2021
Tapo is serving as a faculty mentor for underrepresented students through the Google exploreCSR program. He gave a research talk and a general talk on "How to write a paper and present your work?"

May 2021
Tapo gave an invited talk in Cornell Robotics Seminar

May 2021
Tapo co-organized an ICRA 2021 workshop on Learning for Caregiving Robots

May 2021
Tapo is serving as topic editors of Algorithms and Technologies towards Robotic Food Manipulation and Contact-Based Seamless Interactions between Humans, Humanoids, and Other Robots in the journal of Frontiers in Robotics and AI

April 2021
Tapo gave an invited talk at UW Explorations Seminar

March 2021
Tapo served as Associate editors for ICRA 2021 and IROS 2021

March 2021
Tapo was an academic panelist at HRI Pioneers 2021

March 2021
Tapo gave a guest lecture in Global Innovation Exchange (GIX), Seattle

February 2021
Congrats Ethan and Kay on their ICRA 2021 acceptances! You can find the papers here

November 2020
Rishabh, Ethan, and Tapo were Runner-Up in the Real Robot Challenge (Second Phase)

November 2020
Tapo gave an invited talk in IIT Goa, India

December 2020
Tapo co-organized a forum on Robotic Food Manipulation Challenge in IROS 2020

September 2020
Tapo gave an invited talk in UTRGV CS Seminar

September 2020
Tapo gave an invited talk in RO-MAN 2020 Workshop on Solutions for Socially Intelligent HRI in Real-World Scenarios

September 2020
Tapo gave an invited talk in UW Machine Learning Society X Dubstech Humans of Tech Series on Building Caregiving Robots that can touch, sense, and feed people

July 2020
Tapo gave an invited talk in RSS 2020 Workshop on Visuotactile Sensors for Robust Manipulation - From Perception to Control

June 2020
Two papers accepted in IROS 2020 - one on Online learning for Robot-Assisted Feeding and the other on Chopsticks-based manipulation

June 2020
Tapo was awarded Outstanding Reviewer for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

June 2020
Tapo gave an invited talk in UCSD Robotics Seminar Series

June 2020
Tapo gave an invited talk in ICRA 2020 Workshop on Shared Autonomy - Learning and Control

May 2020
Tapo gave a contributed talk on Robot-assisted Feeding in 2020 CMU Symposium on AI and Social Good

April 2020
Tapo gave an invited talk at the Assistive Technologies Webinar Series

Autumn 2019, Autumn 2020
Tapo was a co-instructor for CSE 590 Research Seminar Course

Dec. 2019
Our work was selected as one of the best interactive designs of the year 2019 by Fast Company

Dec. 2019
Tapo was invited to give a talk at the Seattle Robotics Society

Nov. 2019
Tapo co-organized IROS 2019 Workshop on RoboTac 2019 - New Advances in Tactile Sensation, Perception, and Learning in Robotics - Emerging Materials and Technologies for Manipulation, Macau, China

Nov. 2019
Our paper on Is more autonomy always better? Exploring preferences of users with mobility impairments in robot-assisted feeding has been accepted to HRI 2020

Oct. 2019
Tapo's talk on Robot-Assisted Feeding - From Bite Acquisition to Bite Transfer won the Best Oral Presentation in Annual Postdoc Research Symposium at the University of Washington, 2019

Oct. 2019
Tapo co-organized Humanoids 2019 Workshop on Robotic Food Manipulation, Toronto, Canada

Sep. 2019
Tapo was awarded the NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship

Aug. 2019
Tapo co-organized IJCAI 2019 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Food, Macao, China

Jun. 2019
Tapo was selected as an RSS Pioneer, 2019 in Freiburg, Germany. His visa was denied and he could not physically attend.

May 2019
Tapo was invited to give an Industry Luncheon Keynote on HRI Research Challenges in ICRA 2019

March 2019
Our paper on Transfer depends on Acquisition - Analyzing Manipulation Strategies for Robotic Feeding was awarded the Best Paper Award for Technical Advances in HRI 2019.

Winter 2019
Tapo taught CSE 571, a graduate qualifiers course on Robotics - Algorithms and Applications at UW

Autumn 2018 - Winter 2020
Tapo co-organized UW's Robotics Colloquium Series

2018 - 2019
Tapo was invited to give Guest Lectures in Assistive Technology class in Division of Occupational Therapy, 2019, at UW and in Exploration Sessions for CSE 142/143, 2018 and 2019, at UW

Dec. 2018
Our demonstration on Autonomous Robotic Feeding won the Best Demo Award at NeurIPS 2018

Oct. 2018
Tapo was invited to give a talk at WPI's Robotics Colloquium as a part of STEM Faculty Launch Program 2018

Aug. 2018
Tapo was invited to be Associate Editor, ICRA 2019

Aug. 2017
Tapo and Daqing were awarded the Postdoc Research Grant at UW-CSE

July 2017
Tapo co-organized RSS workshop on Tactile Sensing for Manipulation - Hardware, Modeling, and Learning, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA