Our mission is to enable robots to improve the quality of life of people with mobility limitations by assisting them with activities of daily living (ADLs). In our lab, we seek solutions to the fundamental research question on how to leverage robot-world physical and social interactions in unstructured human environments to perform relevant ADLs.

EmPRISE lab is a part of the Department of Computer Science in the Computing and Information Science at Cornell University. We are a full-stack robotics lab leveraging tools from sensing, perception, planning, learning, and control to provide intelligent autonomy. Our projects delve deep into human-robot interaction, haptic perception, robot manipulation, and tactile sensing. We are not only passionate about developing algorithms that solve fundamental problems in these domains but also strongly believe in developing real robotic systems, deploying them in the real world, and evaluating them with real users.

Recent News

June 2024
Our paper on food pre-acquisition was accepted at IROS 2024.

May 2024
Our paper on long-horizon bite acquisition for realistic dishes was accepted at RSS 2024.

May 2024
Rishabh presented two papers at ICRA! One was on robot-assisted peeling and the other on a soft and stretchable whole-arm skin for physical human-robot interaction.

May 2024
Tapo was selected as a part of the New Generation Star Project at ICRA sponsored by Nokov!

May 2024
Tapo gave three invited talks at three ICRA workshops: Bimanual Kitchen Challenges, Assistive Systems, and Human-Robot Companionship

March 2024
Our paper on inside-mouth bite transfer for robot-assisted feeding was nominated for best paper award in HRI 2024. We also won the Best Demo Award for our adaptable, safe, and portable robot-assisted feeding system in HRI 2024! Congrats to all the students.

March 2024
Tapo was awarded the TRI (Toyota Research Institute) Young Faculty Researcher Award

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