

CareHomes are virtual homes that accurately model caregiving homes with modifications for varying levels of accessibility and contain various assistive devices.

House Models

The house models have three levels of different accessibilities. We perform the modification based on the house models from Matterport3D.

L1: Usual

Home environments with no modification.

L2: Partially Barrier-free

Frequently used areas are modified.

L3: Completely Barrier-free

All possible modifications are made.

Request Access

To gain access to the modified files, please fill in this form and send it to matterport3d at to request access. After getting access to the original files, please forward the email from the matterport team to ry273 at cornell dot edu, along with the signed Term of Use Agreement form to request access to the modified files.

Assistive Devices

We perform the modification based on the house models from Matterport3D.

Bathing Chair

Home environments with no modification.

Auto-Hospital Bed

Frequently used areas are modified.

Patient on a Hoyer-sling

All possible modifications are made.

Download the models

We include all of these models in our executable files. If you want to purchase the individual ones, please follow the links in our tutorial.

RCareWorld Team

© Ruolin Ye 2025. Last updated: 2/14/2025. Use this website template.