
Meet Our Team

RCareWorld is currently under development by members from the EmPRISE lab in Cornell University. We are collaborating with the Occupational therapists.

1Cornell University2Shanghai Jiaotong University3Northland-Rural Therapy Associates4Columbia University

Contact Our Team

Please submit this Google Form to contact the team directly. We would encourage you to submit your question on our Forum if it does not involve privacy-sensitive information.

Join Our Team

We are actively looking for new members to join our team for the maintenance and development of RCareWorld. If you are a student at Cornell University and would like to join, please feel free to drop an email to empriselab21 at gmail dot com and cc ry273 at cornell dot edu. Please put RCareWorld-Join in your title and attach your cv/resume.


We thank RFUniverse Team @Robotflow for their collaboration. We thank Yanbing Zhou for his help and suggestions for Unity development. We thank everyone from EmPRISE lab for their suggestions for the presentation and video, and testing the codebase. We thank Daniel Stabile for drawing figures for the video and presentation.

RCareWorld Team

© Ruolin Ye 2025. Last updated: 2/14/2025. Use this website template.